Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, Tobias Wollenberg

Risk Averse Decision Making for Unit Commitment under Uncertainty in AC Grids via StochasticSemidefinite Programming, Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, Hanoi, Vietnam, 16.03.15 – 20.03.15, Tobias Wollenberg

6th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes, Caren Tischendorf

Modeling and Simulation of Network DAEs with a Switching Control Function, 6th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes (HPSC), Hanoi, Vietnam, Caren Tischendorf

Waseda Workhop on Mathematical fluid dynamics, Herbert Egger

Finite element methods for saddlepoint problems with applications to Darcy and Stokes flow, Waseda Workhop on Mathematical fluid dynamics, Tokyo, Japan, 10.03.2015 – 13.03.2015, Herbert Egger

Numerical Methods for Optimal Control and Inverse Problems, Martin Gugat

Optimal Control Problems with the Wave Equation, Numerical Methods for Optimal Control and Inverse Problems, TUM, Garching, 09.03.2015 – 11.03.2015, Martin Gugat

Oberseminar Algorithmische Optimierung

Transmission and Generation Investment in Electricity Markets: The Effects of Market Splitting and Network Fee Regimes, Leibniz Universität Hannover. Oberseminar Algorithmische Optimierung. Hannover, Martin Schmidt


Techno-ökonomische Analysen des zukünftigen EnergiesystemsENERGIEFORSCHUNG „VERNETZT“, EnCN Nürnberg´, Dr. Wolfgang Breh (KIT), Prof. Dr. Wolf Fichtner (KIT), Dr. Patrick Jochem (KIT), Dr. Russell McKenna (KIT)

Forschungsseminar Optimierung

On a shape optimization problem arising in optimal design for flow in a duct, Forschungsseminar Optimierung, Carlos Rautenberg (Gast @ HU Berlin)

19th Combinatorial Optimization Workshop at CNRS Centre Paul Langevin

Structural investigation of piecewise linearized flow problems, 19th Combinatorial Optimization Workshop at CNRS Centre Paul Langevin, Aussois, France, 05.01.2015 – 09.01.2015, Maximilian Merkert