Female Student Conference Grant

TRR 154 offers the opportunity to attend a scientific conference to female MSc-students in applied mathematics (at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, TU Darmstadt, HU Berlin, TU Berlin).

The grant will cover the costs of attending the conference and provide mentoring by one of the principle investigators and younger members of their research groups. The goal is to provide the students with mathematical insights, to enable them to get into contact with the scientific community and to gain experience in academic networking.

Mentoring includes introductory meetings before the conference to lay out conference topics and explain networking at conferences. During the conference the student has the opportunity to accompany the mentor and the mentor will be available for questions. In a meeting after the conference the experience is discussed.

Winners of the grant will be honored at

  Dies Mathematicus in Berlin,
  Ludwig Erhard Vorlesung in Nürnberg
  Christine Bernardi Lecture in Darmstadt

The following conferences are particularly recommended and potential mentors are given in the details: 

New recommended conferences will be provided soon.

The application deadlines for the recommended conferences in the summer of 2024 have passed. New recommended conferences will be provided soon.

Applications for other conferences in applied mathematics are also possible.

Application process:

Interested female students are asked to get in touch with the potential mentor and ask them to provide a letter stating their willingness to act as mentor. Then, the following documents should be sent to SFB TRR154 offices:

- estimated cost of participation (travel, housing, conference fees)

- letter of motivation (ca 1/2 page)

- ​short cv

- name of conference and mentor (PI)

-​letter from the prospective mentor

Applications are possible at any time but at least 3 weeks before the application deadline for the corresponding conference.
Students who receive funding will provide a short report on their experience after the conclusion of the conference.