Poster Presentation at the MCM 2023 by Michael Schuster

Title: An a posteriori Probabilistic Robustness Check for Deterministic Optimal Controls

14th International Conference on Monte Carlo Methods and Applications (MCM 2023)

26 – 30 June 2023, Sorbonne University, Paris


Plenary Talk at SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP23) by Andrea Walther

Title: On the Optimization of Nonsmooth Problem without Generalized Derivatives (

Seattle, 31.05.2023

Webinar by Frauke Liers

Title: (Data-driven) distributional robustness over time: How to ‚learn‘ relevant uncertainties together with robust desicions ?


Robust Optimization Webinar (ROW), 19.05.2023


Semi-annual meeting

Semi-annual meeting of the SFB TRansregio 154 in Berlin from 27-29.03.2023

Talk at TU Ilmenau by Martin Gugat

Titel: Observer Systeme für Gasnetze

Elgersburg Workshop, TU Ilmenau, 15.03.2023

Tag der Mathematik an der HU Berlin

Der TRR154 beteiligt sich am 26. Berliner Tag der Mathematik am 06.05.2023 an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Interessierte Schüler:innen, Eltern und Lehrkräfte aller TRR154-Standorte, insbesondere aus Berlin, sind zur Teilnahme herzlich eingeladen.Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung unter:

Multilevel Game Theory for Gas Market Models – Talk by Dr. Sonja Steffensen, 25.04.2023

Abstract: We will start with a brief discussion of multilevel game models such as bilevel and Stackelberg games or multi-leader-follower games. We will then proceed with the particular application of a dynamicmultilevel game model for the European gas market. Read more

Invited Talk at Tohoku University in Sendai, Department of Aerospace Engineering, 28.11.2022

Title: Probabilistic Constrained Optimization with Differential Equations: An Application to Gas Transport, by Michael Schuster